Tuesday, October 30, 2012

EGOPRESS:  three awards???

My poem "Terminal" was awarded 2nd place in

Ben Gurion Concurso Literário

Esta foi a sétima edição deste concurso, do qual inúmeros participantes também têm sido agraciados com prêmios em concursos de maior alcance, tais como Deborah Goldemberg, Moacyr Amâncio, Bernardo Kucinski.  Sinto-me pequena - e honrada - por estar em tão nobre companhia.  
Recebi meu prêmio da Diretoria da Hebraica - o livro!
Mine is an unclaimed chest                         
stuffed with contraband goods                     
in a remote high latitude,
Dense clouds of gauze
keep my fingernails from digging               
into my own skin, finishing
what has long ended.
Knife eyes, needle hands
strip my dignity, shear my spine
cover ulcerated shame
with powder, ointment, prayer.
Lights blink in abyssal night
between living and living death.
Yellow pains whistle
through slits in plastic tubing.
Eyes closed, I see better now:
connoisseur of interior spaces
I now glide through sheets, shark
slicing the waters of memory.
Spurned by Charon,
neither here, nor there,
a day deaf and dumb 
but not blind.
É meu esse baú abandonado
recheado de bens contrabandeados
em remota pista de pouso,
brancas latitudes.

Densas luvas de gaze
impedem minhas unhas de se enterrar
na minha pele, terminar
aquilo que há muito se acabou.
Olhos de faca, mãos de agulha
despem a dignidade, tosquiam a medula
cobrem a vergonha ulcerada
com talco, cremes, preces.
Piscam luzes no escuro da fenda
entre o viver e viver a morte.
Dores amarelas sibilam
de orifícios em tubos plásticos.
Olhos fechados, enxergo melhor:
connoisseur de espaços interiores
agora deslizo, nos lençois, tubarão,
a cortar águas da memória.
Desdenhado por Caronte,
nem aqui, nem lá,
o dia surdo e mudo
mas não cego.

EGOPRESS:  another award!

My poem "Queda livre" (Free fall) was awarded an Honorable Mention in an international poetry contest,

Premio Mondiale di Poesia Nosside

I placed among the top 30 of over 600 poets, from 71 nations that entered the contest.  The award is a medallion, a certificate, and most important, my poem will be published in the Winners' Anthology, distributed throughout the world.  The contest is based in Italy, where the awards' ceremony will be held, but they also hold events in several other countries, Brazil being one of them, so hopefully I will be able to attend that one.

The idea for the poem came to me one night as we were driving home along a large boulevard and came across an accident (?) underneath a massive overpass.  Someone, clearly young though not a child, was lying on the asphalt, partly covered by newspaper.  I dedicate the award to this unfortunate youth.  

Eu não estava lá quando você caiu.
Eu decidia se comeria o petit-four
antes ou depois do café.

Não ouvi tua angústia
quando você decidia
se saltava ou se caía.

Te ouço agora,
um fêmur
cravado no concreto,
morte de cisne no asfalto.

Um antebraço delicado
ultrapassa as fronteiras
das folhas de jornal, indiscretas
mortalha improvisada
tua mão clamando
feito braço erguido em sala de aula.

Em algum lugar tua mãe
deve ter imaginado você
a salvo nos braços de uma garota.
Deus me livre, eu também teria imaginado.

Nunca sou
para ouvir meus filhos,
para agarrá-los
no ar.

Free Fall
I wasn’t there when you fell.                                   
I was deciding whether to eat the macaroon           
before or after coffee.                                                          

I did not hear your anguish                          
when you decided                             
to jump or to fall.
I hear you now,         
a femur                                                                     
caught fast in concrete,                                            
swan death on asphalt.
A thin, smooth forearm                                           
trespassing the boundaries                                       
of the newspaper, heedless                                      
improvised shroud                                                   
your hand vehement                                                 
like a raised hand in a classroom.                           

Your mother somewhere                                                     
must have thought you                                             
safe in some girlfriend’s arms.                                
God forbid I should think so, too.                            

I am never                                                                
to hear my children                                                  
to catch them                                                            
        in midair.                                                      

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